Measure the soft skills needed for leadership success

Strengths & Leadership Assessment Tools:
Benchmark. Compare. Close the “Gaps”.

Our TTI SI Suite of Assessments:

  • Determine key accountabilities for the role.
  • Benchmark behaviours, driving forces, and soft-skills needed for success in a role.
  • Assess current managers and leaders.
  • Analyze gaps to prioritize leadership development.
  • Reduce the risk of a bad hire or promotion.

Benchmark Accountabilities & Personal Characteristics for Success in the Role: TTI SI Job Benchmarking™

Our Proprietary Right Fit Talent & Accountability Measurement System: Recruit, Retain, Train, and Promote the Best Talent
Organizations know that hiring for technical skills and firing for attitude and poor behaviour is difficult, expensive, and time consuming.

Recruit and promote the best talent with a powerful and cost-effective tool called TTI SI Job BenchmarkingTM.

TTI SI Job Benchmarking™ is a proven process to reduce hiring and succession regrets and minimize the time and money spent trying to make a poor hire successful in a role.

All reports are completed and delivered online through a process that:

  • Identifies the key accountabilities needed for success in the role.
  • Provides a “job report” showing the behaviours, driving forces, and non-technical (soft) skills proficiency required for success.
  • Identifies gaps between a candidate’s attributes and the Job (for recruiting and promotion decisions, and for coaching them if hired).
  • Facilitates a comparison of multiple candidates to each other and what is required by the Job for succes

"If the Job could talk....."
Here's what’s needed for success in the role.


Clients find great value in the Interview questions provided for the top seven skills needed for success in a particular role, as well as a priority list of the twenty-five non-technical leadership skills to recruit for.

Report Options:

  • An individual familiar with the non-technical requirements of a position provides input to compile this assessment.
  • A questionnaire is then used to analyze the most important skills for success in a particular job role.
  • Once completed, the report outlines 25 essential non-technical skills* in order of importance to success in the job.


BENEFIT: This report provides interview questions and behavioural descriptions for each of the top seven skills.

  • This report uses the same questionnaire but takes input from a group of respondents (minimum 4, maximum 10). 
  • Preferred respondents, or subject matter experts (SME’s) are those who understand the nontechnical skills for the position being analyzed. 
  • This group typically includes the positions: manager, peers, subordinates, past incumbent’s and others impacted by the success of the person in the role.


BENEFIT: The 25 non-technical skills* are displayed in the order of importance for superior performance in the job. Each respondent’s ratings are shown separately and anonymously. Team consensus is a special benefit of the Survey Report. Interview questions and behavioural descriptions are also provided for each of the top seven skills.

  1. Appreciating Others

  2. Conceptual Thinking

  3. Conflict Management

  4. Continuous Learning

  5. Creativity/Innovation

  6. Customer Focus

  7. Decision Making

  8. Diplomacy

  9. Employee Development/Coaching

  10. Flexibility

  11. Futuristic Thinking

  12. Goal Orientation

  13. Influencing Others

  14. Interpersonal Skills

  15. Leadership

  16. Project Management

  17. Negotiation

  18. Personal Accountability

  19. Problem Solving

  20. Planning/Organizing

  21. Resiliency

  22. Self Starting

  23. Teamwork

  24. Time and Priority Management

  25. Understanding Others


For more information, please Connect With Us

Leadership Assessment Tools: TTI SI Success Insights™

Leadership Development: Uncover Your Leadership Style Profile

TTI SI Success InsightsTM reports provide accurate information about how an individual will interact with others and respond to work challenges.

Use this as a leadership development tool – and as support for succession planning and recruitment.

BENEFITS: The personalized report offers respondents the ability to increase their effectiveness as a leader, in relationships, and in productivity by immediately increasing their self-awareness. The report also includes an action-planning tool for developmental coaching and skill enhancement.


  • 2-Sciences: Behaviours and Driving Forces (what drives a person’s behaviour).
  • 3-Sciences: Behaviours, Driving Forces, and proficiency in 25 non-technical leadership skills.

These two versions can be assessed by job role:

Executive Insights: Designed for CEOs, senior-level managers and decision makers, this report provides feedback to the leader to understand their leadership style and its impact on teams and individuals.

Management-Staff Insights: Designed for supervisors, employees and work teams, this report gives valuable information to clarify individual work styles, how styles affect job performance and how the employee-manager relationship affects productivity and goal achievement.

  • General style characteristics

  • Value to the organization

  • Do’s and don’ts for communicating with this person

  • Tips for the respondent when communicating with others

  • Ideal work environment for this person

  • Self-perceptions and others’ perceptions

  • Keys for motivating this person

  • Keys to managing this person

  • Areas for improvement

  • Natural style vs adapted style

  • Primary, situational and indifferent driving forces of a person’s behaviour


  • Hierarchy of 25 nontechnical skills proficiencies.


For more information, please Connect With Us

Assessments that Create Value With People

Strong leaders. High performing teams. Better employee retention. Reduced workplace conflict.